Friday, May 24, 2019

Eden Albert Soccer

On Tuesday the 21st of May 2019  some people went to the Eden Albert soccer zones, the boys team lost 3 games and drew 2. I mainly played left midfield and I also played left defense and left striker, we had to leave around 1:00 pm then we enjoyed the rest of the day.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Science in a Van

 On Friday the 10th of May, we had some people from The Science Van, they taught us some science and the periodic table. They did a lot of things like balancing big and long things, a hot can dunked into cold water and things with dry ice like make a cloud. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

R.E Triangle

This term we've been learning about Baptism and the Holy Spirit.  We created an R.E. Triangle that shows the gifts we get at baptism, faith, hope and love.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Science Experiments

This term we've been doing some science experiments, we've been learning about two parts of the water cycle, evaporation and condensation. We've done experiments on balloons and what happens when you put a balloon under water.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Water Cycle

We've been researching the water cycle and how it works, also this is my plan below.

Growth Mindset

Last term in term 1 we've been learning about growth mindset and we learnt how people got set backs and how they overcame it. We researched people such as Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Jackie Robinson etc.